Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

emotion ameba pico virtual world (cheat)

nih hasil ael ngulik-ngulik ameba pico semoga bermanfaat

/min : shrink (mengecil)
/sit : sit (duduk)
/stand : stand up (berdiri)
/zzz : sleep (tidur)
/panda: panda (panda)
/nekohebi: cat (kucing)
/hungry: spoon and fork (sendok sama garpu)
/heart: heart (hati)
/kiss: lips (bibir)
/insp: inspiration (lampu)
/thumb: thumb up
/fun: music note (not musik)
/conf: confused
press tab and click: skate walk (meluncur)
/zzz then /stand: stand up with eyes closed (berdiri sambil tutup mata)

Code - "Invisibility Pico"

1st step:You should create an event that you want to invisible the pico you want.Then click "DECOR" then click "Furniture" then place a chair everywhere in your room.Then ask them to sit on the chair. 2nd step:Click the chair as many times as you want then tell to click anywhere in their place.Then after that,they will be invisible.

Code - Pet trick- On your lap

I know how to make your cat, dog, turtle, or panda go on your lap. I have a cat, and I don't know if it works for the others. But it's really cute!

  1. Sit somewhere, on a bed or chair.
  2. Open your pet profile.
  3. Click on of the tricks (the paw prints)
  4. Keep clicking until they are next to you.
  5. Now that they are there, click once more and they will be on your lap!

Glitch - How to stand on water in ameba pico

go to water and go on closet put the closets save next to the orange triangle above you and remove the swimming trousers save and quickly click on the orange triangle then your on (start again if it didn't work)
Slot otomatis
nanti nyusul ya :o

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